Sunday, February 3, 2013

Philippines vs Japan

Culture, tradition, beliefs, these are the few things that makes a country different from all the others. These are like the rare characteristic of a country that makes it special in its own way. Culture is the acquainting of ourselves with the best that has been known and said in the world, and thus with the history of the human spirit. Two countries may seem similar but can be so different because of this saying. Japan, Philippines, these two are only some of the countries that are similar and at the same time different. The Japanese, when it comes to greetings, are very aware of Western habits and will often greet with a handshake. Handshakes tend to be weak and give no indication of their assertiveness of character. When greeting someone, Japanese people tend to attach so called honorifics to the names of the other person they’re talking to. –San is the most common honorific used usually between people with the same age because this is a gender-neutral honorific. –Chan is used when one finds someone endearing. It can also be used to address babies, young children, grandparents and teenage girls and may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, close friends, any youthful woman, or even between friends. –Kun is used by anyone referring to male children or male teenagers and can also be used by females when addressing a male that they are emotionally attached to or have known for a long period of time. –Sama is like a more respectful version of –san. It is used mainly to refer to people much higher in rank than oneself, it may be toward one's customers or sometimes toward people one greatly admires but when it is used to refer to oneself, -sama expresses extreme arrogance.

In greetings alone, Japan and Philippines are already so different. Japanese usually bows to their elders and call others with their last name. However, in the Philippines, close female friends may hug and kiss when they greet while close male friends may hug each other and tap their backs or just by a handshake. Filipinos do not bow when greeting someone. They smile at other people whenever they greet them. Filipinos use Mr., Ms., or Mrs. plus their name or surname in addressing someone until they are allowed to call them by their name or nickname.

There are also similarities between Japanese and Filipinos when it comes to diet and food preparations. In presentation, both makes the foods look beautiful and appealing to the eye although Filipinos only do this during special occasions. In both countries, breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and they both prefer eating rice three times a day. Japanese and Filipinos both have their superstitions regarding the use of their eating utensils.


Despite these similarities, there are also differences. For instance, a major factor of the Japanese way of eating is to eat until 80% full. Japanese people use chopsticks because it is considered more lacquer ware friendly than other sharp eating utensils and they prefer fruits as their dessert. On the other hand, Filipinos eat as many as they can. Filipinos use spoon and fork for eating because it is the most convenient way of eating for Southeast Asians and they usually have sweets for their dessert.

In the category of dating, Japan has Valentine’s Day and White Day and they have group dates called Gokon. During New Year, the couples go to shrines, and girls go with their kimonos. They usually date at amusement parks and the couple would split the bill. It is quite common in Japan that after a date, the bill will be split so the couple each pays for half. It is unlikely a Japanese man will pay for the entire date rather he will pay for his half. On the upside, he may bring presents. Then again, Philippines only have Valentine’s Day and they have double dates or gatherings. During New Year, the couple would visit each other’s families and eat with them. They usually date at the mall and watch a movie and the guy would pay for the date.

The only similarities both countries share when it comes to dating is somewhat related to group gatherings or group dating. It will be organized so that people pay a set amount and then go to a restaurant with a friend or two of the same sex. Everyone there will be as friends and they all eat together then they may go sing karaoke or gather for a drinking party.

The Japanese and Filipino ways of marriage are so different. In Japan, they wear a kimono and a hakama. The Miko helps the bride and they have a tea ceremony. The wedding place is the shrine and the Shinto Priest conducts the ceremony. In spite of this, in the Philippines, they wear a white gown and a suit. The bridesmaid helps the bride and there are usually doves and a bouquet of flowers. The wedding place is the church and the Christian Priest conducts the ceremony.

These are only the very few differences and similarities between Japan and the Philippines. Though it is important to know the culture of one’s own country but it is also important to have a brief knowledge of the culture of others. Why? Because when the difference and similarities are already known and understood, one will realize that one’s country is already special on its own and that is because of the people living in it. “Those who know nothing of foreign culture know nothing of their own.


  1. それはいいですし、あなたの比較は良いです...私のコメントを見てこれを翻訳する

  2. NICE! I learned more about the differences of both countries!!!
    The lesson is to know others more to know more about yourself.
    Thank you to the one who made this!

  3. Very informative! :) I admire the blogger's awareness on the difference of the countries' cultures. :)
